Determinants of Dental and Oral Health Care Service: A Meta-Analysis
Background: The limited utilization of dental and oral health services leads to poor dental and oral health status of both individuals and community. Regular visits to dentists can improve oral health status through early detection of dental and oral diseases. The study aims to systematically examine the factors that influence the utilization of dental and oral health services.
Subject and Method: It was a systematic review and meta-analysis study using PRISMA and PICO diagrams. P= general population. I = women, higher education, high income, poor self-perception, and having health insurance. C= male, low education, low income, good self-perception, and no health insurance. O= utilization of dental and oral health services. Data collection was conducted using the PubMed and ScienceDirect databases. The inclusion criteria used were full, English, cross-sectional design articles in 2012-2023. The keywords used are "(Determinant OR Factor associated)" AND "Dental healthcare utilization". Data analysis was performed using the RevMan 5.3 application.
Result: There were14 primary articles as meta-analysis sources from Saudi Arabia, Indonesia, Iran, Korea, Thailand, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Sweden, the United States, Canada, and Brazil. Female (aOR= 1.13; CI 95%= 1.02-1.25; p= 0.020), higher education (aOR= 1.90; CI 95%= 1.40- 2.56; p<0.001), high income (aOR= 1.91; CI 95%= 1.55-2.35; p<0.001), and having health insurance (aOR= 1.68; CI 95%= 1.30-2.19; P<0.001) increased the utilization of dental and oral health services. Self-perception did not affect the utilization of dental and oral health services (aOR= 1.04; CI 95%= 0.81-1.33; p= 0.76).
Conclusion: Female gender, education level, income level, and ownership of health insurance influence the utilization of dental and oral health services.
Keywords: dental healthcare utilization, factor associated
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