System Readines for the Implementation of Maternal and Child Health Services during COVID-19 Pandemic in Comoro Community Health Center, Dili Timot-Leste
Background: Maternal and child health is an important element in improving the welfare of mothers, infants and children to achieve Timor-Leste's public health goals. Mother and child services can use the Six Building Blocks service system from the World Health Organization. This study aimed to look at the readiness of the Maternal and Child Health (MCH) service delivery system during the COVID-19 period at the Comoro Health Center.
Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted at the Comoro Community Health Center, Dili City in November 2021. A total of 94 health workers including doctors, midwives and nurses working in the Maternal and Child Health (MCH) sector, pharmacy technicians working in pharmacy units, laboratory technicians working in laboratory units were selected for this study. The dependent variable was progress in achieving maternal and child health service indicators. The independent variables were provision of health services, availability of health workers, health information system (technology), availability of essential medicines and health products, finance, and leadership/leadership. The data were collected by using questionnaire. The data were analyze using Chi-Square.
Result: Maternal and child health service readiness were associated with health service delivery (OR= 2.97; 95% CI= 1.23-7.16; p=0.014), availability of health workers (OR= 3.44; 95% CI= 1.28-9.25; p=0.012), availability of essential medicine (OR= 1.40; 95% CI= 0.55-3.58; p=0.048). Maternal and child health service readiness were associated with availability of information communication & technologies (OR=2.32; 95% CI= 0.91-5.90; p=0.073), availability of finance (OR= 2.62; 95% CI= 1.06-6.47; p=0.034), and leadership (OR= 1.43 95% CI= 0.60-3.40; p=0.419), but they were not statistically not significant.
Conclusion: Maternal and child health service readiness are associated with health service delivery, availability of health workers, availability of essential medicine, availability of information communication & technologies, availability of finance and leadership. Keywords: maternal and child health, health system and covid-19.
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