
  • Nabella Arina Muna Hanesya Hanesya Program Studi Ilmu Kesehatan Masyarakat, Universitas Jember
  • Candra Bumi Public Health Study Program, Universitas Jember
  • Dewi Prihatini Public Health Study Program, Universitas Jember



Background: Services to patients in hospitals often experience problems of dissatisfaction due to waiting time. There were complaints submitted by outpatients regarding the long waiting time for polyclinic services. This study aims to analyze the application of the lean method in the problem of waiting time efficiency at Jember Klinik Hospital.

Subjects and Method: This research design is qualitative. The research location is Jember Clinic Hospital. Data collection techniques using in-depth interviews, observation and documentation. Research informants are leaders, medical staff in the registration and service department. This research does not use variables but focuses on place, actor, activity, value stream mapping (VSM). Methods of data analysis using interpretive thematic analysis.

Results: 1) the outpatient service process at the Jember Klinik Hospital is carried out starting from the registration counter until the patient enters the examination room. Lead time at the outpatient registration area (6 patients) was 261 minutes, lead time at the filing room (6 patients) was 125 minutes, lead time at the polyclinic (6 patients) was 663 minutes; 2) Flowchart of outpatient services (outpatient waiting time) starting from the patient registering at the Outpatient Registration Center (TPPRJ) until the patient is examined by a specialist starting with the registrar calling the patient, the registration officer validating the completeness of the requirements, input SIMRS data and v -claims, search and distribution of BRM to polyclinics, and examination by DPJP and 3) VSM starts from TPPRJ to polyclinic. The process required for the registration process is 43.50 minutes.

Conclusion: The application of the lean method in the problem of waiting time efficiency at the Jember Klinik Hospital is still not optimal with the mapping of waste at the Jember Klinik Hospital explained Lead time, Flowchart of outpatient services and VSM starting from TPPRJ to the polyclinic.

Keywords: efficiency, lean management, service, waiting time



Nabella Arina Muna Hanesya. Masters Program in Public Health, Universitas Jember. Jalan Kalimantan Kampus Bumi Tegal No.I / 93, Krajan Timur, Boto, Kec. Sumbersari, Kabupaten Jember, Jawa Timur 6812. Email: Moblie: +628139277772


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How to Cite

Hanesya, N. A. M. H., Bumi , C., & Prihatini, D. (2024). APPLICATION OF LEAN MANAGEMENT METHODS TO THE WAITING TIME EFFICIENCY OF OUTPATIENT SERVICES AT JEMBER HOSPITAL CLINIC. Journal of Health Policy and Management, 9(2), 211–223.


