Meta-Analysis: Effects of Unsafe Action and Work Experience on Occupational Exposure to Needlestick Injury among Health Workers in the Hospital
Background: Needlestick injury is a dangerous work accident that causes blood contact with pa-
tients and is at risk of being infected with blood borne diseases such as hepatitis B virus (HBV),
hepatitis C (HCV), and human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). The purpose of this study was to
analyze the influence of unsafe behavior factors on the incidence of accidents due to needlestick
injury to health workers in hospitals.
Subjects and Method: This research was conducted using a systematic review and meta-analysis
study design using PICO, population: health workers, intervention: unsafe action and lack of work
experience. Comparison: safe action and good work experience, Outcome: Needlestick Injury (NSI)
incident. The articles used in this study came from 4 databases, namely Pubmed, ScienceDirect,
ProQuest and Google scholar. The keywords of the article are ("Needle Stick Injury" or "Sharp
Injury") AND aOR. The articles included in this study are full paper articles, observational study
designs, 2011-2021 and the size of the relationship between Adj Odds Ratio
Results: A total of 19 observational studies (case-control and cross-sectional) with 28,487 health
workers from the African Continent (Egypt and Ethiopia), the Asian Continent (Thailand, Taiwan,
Malaysia and Indonesia) and the European Continent (Bosnia and Herzegovina) were analyzed.
From data processing, it was found that unsafe action increased the incidence of Needlestick Injury
(NSI) in health workers in hospitals by 2.79 times higher than health workers who behaved safely
(safe action) and statistically significant (aOR= 2.79; 95% CI= 2.18 to 3.67; p<0.001). Work
Experience increases the incidence of Needlestick Injury (NSI) in health workers in hospitals by 1.97
times higher than health workers who have good work experience and is statistically significant
(aOR= 1.97; 95% CI= 1.16 to 3.34; p = 0.010) .
Conclusion: The influence of human factors, especially unsafe action, in increasing the incidence of
needlestick injuries in health workers.
Keywords: needlestick injury, sharp injury, unsafe action
Correspondence:Nurul Dwi Andriani. Masters Program in Public Health, Universitas Sebelas Maret. Jl. Ir. Sutami 36A, Surakarta 57126, Central Java, Indonesia. Email: Mobile: +6282137279586.
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