Analysis of Willingness to Pay Contributions for Independent National Health Insurance Participation in Informal Sector Business Actors in the Mandalika Tourism Area, Lombok, Nusa Tenggara Barat, Indonesia
Background: Health insurance implemented in Indonesia is managed by the Social Security Administering Body (BPJS). In its administration, BPJS Health works based on the principle of non-profit social protection. Willingness to Pay (WTP) has been carried out in Nigeria which uses a community-based health insurance system. This study aims to analyze the willingness to pay (Willingness to Pay) contributions in independent national health insurance membership among informal sector business actors in the Mandalika tourist area of Lombok.
Subjects dan Method: This type of study is observational analytic using a cross-sectional study design. The target population in this study is all informal sector business actors in the Mandalika Lombok tourist area. The sampling technique in this study is random sampling, namely a random sampling method that involves dividing the population into groups called strata, based on certain relevant characteristics.n.
Results: This study explains that informal sector workers with income ≥ IDR 2,000,000/month are on average willing to pay insurance premiums of IDR 64,573/month (Mean= 64,573; SD= 41,292). Workers with income < IDR 2,000,000/month are on average willing to pay insurance premiums of IDR 24,880/month (Mean= 24,880; SD= 14,206). Overall, workers in the informal sector are on average willing to pay insurance premiums of IDR 48,100/month (Mean= 48,100; SD= 38,229). Willingness to pay insurance premiums is significantly influenced by income. Every increase in income of IDR 1,000,000 will be followed by a higher willingness to pay for health insurance of IDR 21,745 (b= 0.02; 95% CI= 0.01 to 0.03; p <0.001). Willingness to pay premiums was not significantly influenced by gender (b= 346.13; 95% CI= -15241.31 to 15933.56; p = 0.965) or age (b= -7110.17; 95% CI= -22958.38 to 8738.04; p = 0.375).
Conclusion: The results of this study conclude that the willingness to pay insurance premiums is significantly influenced by income. The higher the income, the higher the willingness to pay premiums, and this effect is statistically significant.
Keywords: Willingness to pay, Income, Informal workers
Willingness to pay, Income, Informal workersReferences
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